Kinesiology is more than just a yes/no muscle response. Neuroenergetic Kinesiology uses ‘formats’ consisting of hand mudras and acupressure points to access client's stress.
Read MoreEach one of us has access to a heightened awareness of our environment. And when used correctly enables us to perceive our own needs AND the needs of the greater consciousness. It is an elixir of our times. It births great leaders and healers, within the family unit and globally.
Read MoreNeuroenergetic Kinesiology uses acupressure formatting to REVEAL, IDENTIFY and RESOLVE stress in the body. It enables the practitioner to access and release stress from deep within the organisation of the nervous system by creating complex resonance patterns.
Read MoreI’ve never been a conformist. Sure I follow the rules, but the more I am in a pack mentality - culturally, socially, occupationally - the more I lose my sense of identity. I drown. This isn’t the case for everyone; many people thrive in a tribe. But for me, my spiritual practice isn’t obligations or meditations, it’s alignment with my truth.
Read MoreMany clients come in with a ‘seeking’ mindset. Their consciousness has alerted them to something that needs to be ‘fixed’. So they present seeking answers, guidance, help and support. All of which they receive, but not in the way they expected.
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